
Check back regularly for new information about my favorite freebies, sweepstakes, discounts, paid surveys, product tests, online focus groups, and anything else I am excited about and want to share! I will do my best to give you opportunities to add to your income a little here and there and make your trips to the mailbox a lot more exciting. For those of you who love contests as much as I do, I will also be holding giveaways of my own now and then to reward my faithful readers. Hope you have a wonderful day! Check back soon for my next giveaway!

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone for all of the great ideas and for visiting my site! The contest is now over and winners as selected by randomizer.org have been emailed. If your name was drawn, please be sure to get back to me within 3 days with your mailing address or another winner be drawn.

1st Prize: heidib...
2nd Prize: mdhohn@...
3rd Prize: quelleheure4@...

Check back soon for my next contest, and in the meantime be sure to come back for the latest tips on living frugally (detailed survey site info and various other upgrades are in the works). Have a great weekend!

Hi everyone! Over the past few years I have developed a knack for coming across fun and exciting opportunities online. I love to share these with others, and I have often thought of creating a blog such as this to have one central location from which to share all of my finds. So, here it is! I will not bog down this blog with a lot of small gimmes, just my favorites that I deem worthy of sharing. I will update this blog every time I find something worthwhile to share and I hope you will come back often if you also find them worthwhile.

So, without further ado, I am celebrating the launch of my new blog with a giveaway! I love contests, and I hope to hold them often here at Modern Frugality.

The prizes will be as follows:

Winner #1: $15 Amazon gift code
Winner #2: $10 Party America gift card
Winner #3: $10 NBA Store gift card

Eligibility: Open only to U.S. Residents
How to enter: Simply post a comment below (post anything you want, I'm not picky!) Please be sure to have an email on file or include it here so that I have a way to contact you if you win.
Entry frequency: You may enter one time per day throughout the duration of the contest.
Duration: Contest will end on April 25, 2009 at 11:59 pm Eastern.
Winners: Three winners will be determined at random after the contest has ended. I will email the winners and announce them here. Winners must respond with mailing address within 3 days of notification or they will forfeit the prize and a new winner will be drawn.

DAILY BONUS ENTRY #1: To gain a bonus entry, post a second comment with a tip on how I can improve my website or what you'd most like to see posted here. I am not by any means an expert at creating a website, so I would love any feedback you can offer. You may gain one bonus entry per day by posting a suggestion (please make your suggestion different from day to day).

DAILY BONUS ENTRY #2: You may gain a third entry each day by posting about this contest on another website. Twitter about it, whatever, even tell someone you know in person and that will work. Post a separate comment telling me how you spread the word.

Thank you, and good luck!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 315   Newer›   Newest»
tarah86 said...

Very nice layout of the site. Really like the banner.

Cynthya said...

Good luck with the site! It is certainly a timely subject. I like the flowers. :)

Jennifer Jones said...

Good luck with the site. Thanks for the contest! bluemoves [at] hotmail [dot] com

Jennifer Jones said...

Daily bonus -- almost every chain restaurant in the U.S. offers a free meal on your birthday. I notice that you have some restaurants listed on your birthday freebes section, but there are dozens more. But overall, it's a great site! I especially like the paid survey sites section. I'm a member of 15 of the sites you have listed, but I'm going to check out the rest. Thanks! bluemoves [at] hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

giveaways are a great way to increase traffic!!

autumn398 (at) yahoo.com

joni said...

Aren't giveaways fun!

joni said...

Me again! Aren't giveaways fun!

mar said...

Wishing you the best with your new adventure!

Darlene said...

great giveaway


congrats on a new site

lsfish said...

I love Amazon, that would be a nice win

clc408 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Good Luck!

kmg365 said...

Good luck with your site. Thanks for the chance to win.

Erica C. said...

sounds great! thanks :)

tarah86 said...

just coming back for the entry, GL on your site!

buzzd said...

I like the colors as they are soothing and I love pink.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new site!

hebert024 at aol dot com

Deborah said...

Congrats on your site launch! I'm looking foward to your frugality tips! asthenight at gmail dot com

Mar said...

GL I will be checking in often to see your posts. Nothing like a good deal or freebies

Sheila Hickmon said...

Good luck!! Thanks for the giveaway! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

guettel78 said...

Congrats on the launch of your site! It's really helpful to have a list of freebies and paid survey opportunities -- it might also be useful to add a brief description of the latter (e.g., what kind of time commitment they entail, what the potential rewards/compensations are, etc.). Thanks for the giveaway!

guettel78 said...

Tweeted the giveaway here: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1458317947


pauline15 said...

I enjoy checking out interesting blogs and look forward to visiting yours again!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

llinda29 said...

I am not picky either

Anonymous said...

please enter me!


Anonymous said...

would love to be entered.


kdkdkd said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

sohamolina said...


Heidi said...

Wow, what a cool site! Must be a cool webmistress. :D

Anonymous said...

Today I had a really good breakfast. Spicy Kim chee Noodles! Yum!


Darlene said...

Have a great week everyone! When I looked out this morning there was SNOW!!!!!!

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1463094478


momof5girls said...

Hooray! I'm sure I'll be a frequent visitor! ;)

sweetsue said...

I love the colors and the pretty flowers on top!
smchester at gmail dot com

sohamolina said...

I'd love to win this. Good luck to you and your new website.

Mar said...

I am back for another entry

Mar said...

One suggestion I would like to make is to have any links automatically open to a new page. That way I can easily return to this site in search of more goodies

tarah86 said...

Coming to do another entry in the contest

Sam G said...

Great site. I have been very interested in learning more about all this since we talked a few years ago.

sandyy456 said...

Good luck with your new site!

michelena2000 said...

Very nice site. Enjoy your new endeavor.

Ascending Butterfly said...

I would expand upon the About Me and put it at the top until the blog is more established in terms of readership and then you can switch it back to where you have it now. (I would like the Amazon if I win)

llinda29 said...

I can be picky

rbailey1958 said...

I hope I am a winner here

ruppbc said...

I love your site! I signed up with some of the sites! Thank you! Good Luck!!! - ruppbc@yahoo.com

vividchord said...

Great giveaway, thanks!

Darlene said...

nice prize

Anonymous said...

I had a tasty lemon bar today.


sohamolina said...

Great prize.

guettel78 said...

Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1470258129


Mar said...

I agree about the pink font perhaps a darker rose color

tarah86 said...

coming back for another entry

clc408 said...

Best of luck to you!

Nickolay said...

Just swinging by to say hi and sign up. Blog looks good.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me - Mamamoose.

mmentor said...

thank you

Heidi said...

I like that you changed the text color to a darker pink. :)

llinda29 said...

This is a good day

Anonymous said...

Watching a loveless marriage fall apart is mega depressing.


Darlene said...

back for another entry

clc408 said...

The links on your site are very interesting.

mogrill said...

Pink is very pale, darker would be better! Love the site. Thanks for the chance.


Heidi said...

Entering again! :D I'm so excited about this blog Suzy. Now I can be like you. ;)

tarah86 said...

entering again, love the prizes you're giving away

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1479117586


llinda29 said...

Wonderful wonderful

Anonymous said...

I can't stand eating shrimp. The legs gross me out for some reason. They are like the cockroaches of the sea!


Darlene said...

back again on Maundy Thursday

clc408 said...

I'm thinking a trade section might be nice.

tarah86 said...

coming back for another entry

Beverley said...

Love Amazon GC's!

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1485398752


Karen said...

Amazon GC's are wonderful.

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Heidi said...

I'm almost done with school. That is very happy.

Mandy said...

Thanks for offering the contest.
Isn't it fun to share deals with others?

Mandy said...

I'm new to the blog/website world, but I think you should get a button..keep with your flower/pink theme...it would add some character to your site. Loving it so far.Mandycanoemountains(at)hotmail(dot)com

Connie said...

You have such a beautiful site. Very calming.

Anonymous said...

I love your site! The pink is great and I love the flowers! Thanks for contest! tnikki12 at hotmail dot com

Sharon said...

HI, I just found your site. It looks very nice :) Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I look forward to checking out your blog more :)

Anonymous said...

We go together like rama lama lama, kadingky kadingkydonk!


Darlene said...

love gift cards

lerinleigh said...

Your page is cute! And the amazon gift card would be awesome!
lerinleigh at gmail com

clc408 said...

You might want to post a link to Freecycle. I think your readers would like it.

Smooshy said...

enter me!

Heidi said...


Anonymous said...

Woot, woot, an easy entry contest; I love it!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the site.
khulsey79 at yahoo dot com

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1491174267


Mar said...

Hi again, great prizes.

tarah86 said...

coming back to enter again!

magic5905 said...

Great giveway. Good luck!!

kdkdkd said...

Good luck and have fun with the site!

Danielle said...

As a girly-girl, I LOVE your layout.

ldsmom2201 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Can't have pie without Cooh Hwip!


Darlene said...

great prizes

tarah86 said...

re-entering again

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1497355568


sohamolina said...

Thank you.

lsfish said...

Good luck with your new site

Mar said...

If you want it you can findit at Amazon. love to win that prize

Michelle M said...

Cute background! Yay for starting a new website! Enter me!

Michelle M said...

Suggestion: have some good coupon links on your site!

Heidi said...

It's raining. What a lovely day.

Karen said...

Count me in :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

slehan said...

I'm working on my Amazon wish list and this would help me toward the Kindle2 that I want. Thanks for the contest. slehan AT juno Dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!


Darlene said...

Happy Easter!

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1502930752


lsfish said...

Have a Happy Easter

tarah86 said...

coming back to enter contest

Mar said...

Happy and blessed Easter

sohamolina said...

Great giveaway..

Anonymous said...

Like the idea of this giveaway. Thank you for having it. Good Luck everyone!!!! michellesellpa@yahoo.com

Marianna said...

Great site, looking forward to following it. Thanks for the chance to win, too!

djgroz said...

Thanks for the chance to win a nice prize!

Deborah said...

I'm already saving money using your site! Thank you! asthenight at gmail dot com

llinda29 said...

easter is always a good day

Heidi said...

I finally finished my research paper. Now I can finally graduate.

Darlene said...

I hope everyone had a great Easter. Now back to reality.

tarah86 said...

entering the contest again

Mar said...

Hope you all had a great w/e

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the giveaway: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1509618652


Karen said...

Thanks for the chance :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

djgroz said...

Thanks for the chance to win this prize!

llinda29 said...

it rained today

Adrian Lamont said...

This is great, please count me in.

Suz said...

Great information. I'd like to see more color on the page.

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

Darlene said...

I'm saddened at the death of Mark Fidrych.

Mar said...

great freebies listed today

Karen said...

Count me in please :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

tarah86 said...

coming back to enter

Sonya said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1519736321


llinda29 said...

enter again

Anonymous said...

my back aches.


Darlene said...

I'm back!

Mar said...

I have a huge wish list for Amazon

sohamolina said...


tarah86 said...

entering the contest

Heidi said...

It's snowing. Boo.

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1528622500


lsfish said...

Good luck

Kristin said...

It is snowing here too. Yuck.

bookloverlori said...

Great Blog! I've bookmarked it and will be checking back frequently.

mel said...

Thanks for the giveaway!


Lisa said...

Thanks for the chance at great giveaways!!

Chief Family Officer said...

The comment for improvement that immediately comes to mind is changing the color of the words at the top, directly underneath your header. They are kind of hard to see, so I totally skipped them and went right to the post.

Anonymous said...

I had a damn tasty cupcake today.


Darlene said...

I'm back!

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1533483025


Mar said...

I have been have problems with the freebies always out of stock

Mar said...

Perhaps a link where the freebies could be reported for removal when out of stock

sohamolina said...


Pat said...

You have a nice list of paid survey sites that you trust.
pkildow at gmail dot com

tarah86 said...

back again!

Deborah said...

Here I am, back for another entry and to poke around on your site! asthenight at gmail dot com

Sonya said...

Free stuff? Count me in!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Scg00387 at yahoo.com

Heidi said...

Suz, it snowed SO MUCH yesterday and last night! Inches and inches! Check out the picture on BYU's homepage.

vboackle said...

i am not one to ask about design,looks great though.

Anonymous said...

she looks like a flower but she stings like a bee


Darlene said...

It is Friday and it is supposed to be 70 & sunny today here.

Valancia said...

We have wild turkeys that come thru our property, we just love them. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com

Valancia said...

Your pinkish print is hard to see, I'd say make it a darker color, better to see especially for this old ladys eyes:-)

Anonymous said...

We need to win.

oceanrena said...


guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1543140617


sohamolina said...


tarah86 said...

entering again!

Claire Bingham said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Show me potato salad!


Darlene said...

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

momof5girls said...

I love the random comments. Like this: I woke up way too early today and had toast for breakfast.

Unknown said...


Karen said...

Count me in please :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

sohamolina said...

Thank you!

tarah86 said...

entering once again!

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1552625763


Heather said...

oh, I love your sidebar with the birthday freebies and survey sites! That's a really good idea!

augustgirl01 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Sonya said...

Pick me! Thanks!

Deborah said...

Back again...still exploring! asthenight at gmail dot com

Amber said...

I love your blog! When I get more time, I'll have to be back and go through all the survey companies and stuff. :)

Amber said...

Bonus entry - Maybe put up one of those "follow me" things or get a button that others can put on their blogs. If I'm following you or have a button/link on my blog, I'm likely to remember to visit again!

covercover said...

Count me in,
thanks :)

Unknown said...

Back again. Vote for Matt on American Idol!

Unknown said...


rbailey1958 said...

I would get music with the gift card

tarah86 said...

entering again!

sohamolina said...

Great prize.

Unknown said...


Ken said...

Good luck with your new site. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

guettel78 said...

Tweet for the day: http://twitter.com/guettel78/status/1560669081


Larry F. said...

Tip: Use cruise control in town when possible (little to no traffic, and few stops).


Anonymous said...

we are having a belated Easter dinner today.


Darlene said...

the start of another week

Valancia said...

Suggestion have links for help centers on your site. skyxsky27(at)gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on you new launch!


sue14625 said...

Geat log congrats but the color is hard on these older eyes good luck

tlcfromtn said...

Very nice site! It's easy to navigate and I love the background.

braaisjo at gmail dot com

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